The cards for this week's Tarot reading are:
Ace of Pentacles, 3 of Cups, The Hanged Man
And the message that's coming through is:
You can have your cake and eat it too!

Whoever said that you can't have your cake and eat it too... needs to think again. Because this week, the universe is literally handing you as much cake as you desire (and maybe even some wine?)
That is all to say, in the coming days expect the abundant universe we live in to shower you with opportunities, gifts and blessings!
Now..there's a part of you that's SO ready to acknowledge & tap into these opportunities. However..there's also a part of you that afraid of change and wants things to stay as they are.
Resistance to change is normal. So, meet any resistance with acceptance & awareness, but don't let it poop on your party!
Ask the Tarot: How can I make the part of me that's afraid of change...feel safe?
Deck Used: Radiant Rider-Waite (Smith)
Disclaimer: Tarot & Oracle card readings are for entertainment purposes only. Also, do note that links may be affiliate links. I occasionally promote things for a commission, but only things I believe in wholeheartedly & think you'd like, too!