Enchanted Symbols
Weekly Tarot Reading 6 December 2020

The cards for this week's tarot reading are: 7 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles And the message coming through is: Things might appear to be stagnant on the surface but make no mistake...there's a lot going on! The last few weeks have been pretty intense energetically, so give yourself time & space to absorb, integrate & balance out these energies. Breathe. Let patience & trust guide the way. Wishing you an amazing week... xxReeta Disclaimer: Tarot & Oracle card readings are for entertainment purposes only. Also, do note that links may be affiliate links. I occasionally promote things...
Weekly Tarot Reading 10 October 2020

The cards for this week's Tarot reading are: Ace of Pentacles, 3 of Cups, The Hanged Man And the message that's coming through is: You can have your cake and eat it too! Whoever said that you can't have your cake and eat it too... needs to think again. Because this week, the universe is literally handing you as much cake as you desire (and maybe even some wine?) That is all to say, in the coming days expect the abundant universe we live in to shower you with opportunities, gifts and blessings! Now..there's a part of you that's SO...
Weekly Tarot Reading (20th September 2020)

The cards for this week's Tarot reading are: 3 of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles, 8 of Swords And the message coming through is: "You don't have to go at it alone" You don't have to unravel each & every problem yourself! While it's 100% true that solitude has its place and.. While it's also true that you've the power of the entire universe inside of you (go you!).. The thing is... Because we're so close to our problems, at times we just need to lean on other people to show us the way. So, don't hesitate to reach out and...
New Moon Tarot Spread (17th September 2020)
Weekly Tarot Reading 16 August -23 August 2020 (+ Witchy Tumblers coming soon!)
Here's a sneak peek into what's coming to the shop... Tumblers!😍 These laser etched, BPA free, stainless steel bad babes will keep your potions, elixirs, brews & beverages, hot or cold for a long, long time. Deets coming soon but here's what the first one will look like.. In other news... I gotta tell ya, I had such a wtf moment when I stepped outta the house yesterday. Can you blame me? I mean, we're in the middle of August so obvi I was expecting the warm summer air to hug me when I went out.. But waddya know..instead I was hit...